Are You Starving Because Your Fork is Too Long?

There were 10 people sitting around the table looking at the most magnificent feast ever assembled. They were ravenous because they hadn’t eaten in some time. They looked at each other with big smiles knowing that they would get the feast of their lives! Then the forks were brought to the table…..The forks were 6 feet long! But it didn’t matter they were determined to eat the feast and they didn’t even wait they just started digging in.

What happened next wasn’t something they were prepared for. The forks being 6 feet long they weren’t able to even get food on it or get the fork to their own mouthes. After hours and hours of trying and getting frustrated and then arguing and trying some more and getting more frustrated a figure appeared in the room.

“Why are you frustrated?” asked the figure. Everyone started talking and telling of how hungry they were but they couldn’t eat no matter how HARD they tried. The figure sighed…..and asked “Why are you not feeding your brother or sister across the table from you?” “If you do, do you think they will reciprocate?”

The enlightenment shocked them all because it was so simple. Remove the thoughts about yourself and your hunger and feed others……and you will be fed too.

Be sure you are plugging into the System of events. But it’s not enough for you to plug-in be sure you are helping others to plug in as well. This system and the tools is what enables others to stay in long enough to achieve the success they deserve (and their families deserve too).

If you are feeding yourself and not your team or you are not even feeding yourself – you will soon starve. Your team watches what you are doing or are not doing.

If you continue to do what you are doing today with your team will they get closer to their dreams and goals or further away? If they get further away – so do you. If they get closer – SO DO YOU.

See you on the Sunday calls – EVERY SUNDAY;

646-519-5860 passcode 3564# (3kmg#)

6:00 pm CST/4:00 pm PST – Opportunity Call

8:30 pm CST/6:30 pm PST – Millionaire Mentorship Call

1 Comment

  1. I just want to thank you for the information you put on this blog. You have information that people would have to pay else where. Im putting what i found on here to practice.

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