Leadership, Holton Buggs and YTB – It’s a Trifecta!

The Leadership Training in Sacramento California on Saturday June 21st brought together a roomful of the best Networkers in the Country.  Holton Buggs walked the group through advanced leadership pitfalls and challenges and how to move beyond the Dysfunctions a team can have and Focus on NEW BEGINNINGS.

Holton Buggs Leadership Training

This set everyone up for a Training on, Sunday June 22, that challenged the old beliefs of Network Marketing and moved the group of over 150 excited participants to New Levels of Action.  When the student is ready the teacher appears and the teachers were there in full force.

Holton Buggs YTB Regional Training

Holton Buggs, Edwin Haynes and Bill Fox trained from 10:00am until 9:00pm and the crowd still wanted more.  Network Marketing has been around for several decades but it has never seen the likes of these 3 leaders train in the same room at the same time with a massive level of IMPACT.  The briefings in the Sacramento and Oakland areas were evidence of the momentum created with large numbers in both markets for the Thursday Night Travel Briefings.

And as it is stated “Never miss a training you qualify for”  Thankfully the 150+ didn’t miss it!